Manage results
Here you can put all the records which was resulted
from current search into one category or copy them to another
bibliography. Which will help you to organize you bibliographies
1 | Back: | To go back to control panel |
2 | Help: | To display help. |
3 | Search items: | To go back and edit your key words. |
4 | Results: | Where all the results are displayed. |
5 | Edit results: | Where you can edit, modify or remove any reference of the results. |
6 | Copy current results to another bibliography: | When you press this button that will display save dialog box, use this dialog box to point to the target bibliography then press save button. EZ_bibliography will copy all the record which resulted form current search to that bibliography. |
7 | Delete all current results: | To delete all the record which resulted form current search. |
8, 9, 10 | Put current result into category: | To put all the record which resulted
form current search into one category follow the next
procedure: Select the category from the list of categories in (8) If you want to create a new category for these records, press button (9) to set the name of the new category. Then press "Do" button (10). That will put all the record which resulted form current search into the selected category (Which appear in combo 8). |
This page is part of EZ_Bibliography help